Meet Our Ferrets


Wylie when he was young just after we got him Photo Taken 02-09-2012


Elliot Shortly after we got him
Elliot in the dig box



She is our only girl and she definitely acts different than the boys do. She nips and squirms around  when you are holding her she doesn't like being held and she doesn't tolerate it but she loves chasing her daddy around the living room and playing with us. She will play with the boys every so often but she usually like to be by herself during playtime.
Coloring: My Guess is she is a Red Eyed Panda

Bailey Our only Girl On Coloring i think she's a Red eyed Panda she has the coloring of a panda body and an albino head.


We got him at PetCo in Jefferson City, Mo he is by far the biggest guy we have. We got him and Bailey
From the same place at the same time not sure if they came in together the store says they did but i think rocky had been there longer cause he was so much bigger at the time.

Rocky giving you a good look at his teeth 11-04-2012

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