Our Other Animals







We got winnie from my parents who had another pug Sissy. Winnie liked to bark and was very mischeviuos and had a lot of energy so we took her and now she has great life with BJ and I.


Short for Houdini as in Harry Houdini
I Will Let Bj Tell you about Houdi When i can get him to do so.


7 Year old Boxer we took in from some friends of ours who were going to get rid of him. He has had a hard life before us our friends got him from the shelter and he had typical signs of abuse, He would be jumpy and snap at you for anything and he hated feet being anywhere near him like he was kicked a lot. He has been a great dog since we got him he now has a big yard to run in and 2 other dogs to play with. He is the biggest baby as most boxers are!

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